Missing Classmates

If you attended Edina-West High School during your Freshman (Valley View Jr High), Sophmore, Junior, and/or Senior year and were in the class of 1978, then this website is for you. It doesn't matter if it was one year or all four.

Here's how to get started:
Click on your name below and follow the prompts to fill out your profile and contact information. If there is a problem, click on the Contact Us tab on the left and notify me.

If this is your first visit, I recommend that you go to the tab at the top called First Time Visitors.

We need your help in reaching everyone.  If you see a friend's name still on here, please reach out to them and ask them to come join us and update their contact information, profile, etc. The more classmates we have on this site the more fun we'll have.

NONE of your contact information will be shared with anyone....public, marketing, or classmate.... other than the City & State you live in, with the exception of a few people on the Reunion Committee who may need to contact you.   If you are inappropriately contacted let us know.

David Adam
Joe Ahmann
Michael Allen
Craig Anderson
Lori Asman
Jim Avery
ReNae Baechler (Baechler-Wintheiser)
Brad Barger
Linda Barr
Kathy Barrett
Jon Benson
Andrew Berger
Dan Bergthold
Lynn Biederman
Laurie Blair (O'Gara)
Rick Blomquist
Tom Bodine
John Boerth
Brad Borrman
Kathy Boutilier (Hatch)
Tom Brambilla
Tom Brown
Ming Bui
Dan Bulver
Tom Burling
Mark Burnell
Moira Campion
Dave Carlson
John Cecere
Kathy Cervin
Marty Champlin
Jeanie Chapman (Ahern)
Maura Chapman (Boulahssas)
Michael Chatras
Mary Chilstrom (Margolin)
Lisa Coppola (Thieling)
Janet Dahl (Long)
Vicki Davis
Steve Delegard
Jose DeSa'
Lori Diewald (Roberts)
Son Doan
Bob Doernbach
Patty Drewelow
Eric Dudley
Brian Dunn
Teresa Dunn (Caffrey)
Scott Eastman
Laurie Eckblad (Eckblad-Anderson)
Cindy Edwards
Paul Ellsworth
Brian Erickson
Jeff Erickson
Kathy Evanoff
Marty Everson (Funkhouser)
Jeff Fackler
K. Fahlin
John Fawcett
Nan Findell (Bertelson)
Karl Findorff
Brent Fossey
Tom Franz
Steven Fredlund
Cece Frey
Thomas Fristoe
Rebecca Gallup (Wong)
Kim Genualdi (Lenz)
David Gilbert
Judy Goodall (Shelley)
Stephen Gracis
Lorraine Graeve
Pam Gray (Kranzler)
Rick Gunderson
Denise Haberkorn
Michael Hamilton
Camille Harbs
Kyle Harder (Richey)
Bill Hartmann
Dianne Harvey
Mark Hasebroock
Timothy Hawes
Gail Heatherly
Doug Heisler
Darlene Henderson (Blanchard)
Darryl Henderson
Mike High
Amy Hilgendorf
Phil Hirschey
Dave Hoch
Jeff Hoffman
Tom Hofstad
Mike Hogan
Steve Holstrom
Kent Holzworth
Pam Hood
Nancy Hovanes (Mattson)
Bill Howell
Eddy Hribar
Scott Hughes
Paul Huppert
Melia Inks
Fredrick Jackson
Dawn Johnson (Halom)
DJ Johnson
Kent Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Sherry Johnson (Carlson)
Barb Kaiser
Mary Kalscheuer (Schwartz)
Hillary Kanter (Feder)
Erin Kelly
Bill Kemble
Kurt Kenkel
William Kennedy
Jim Klas
Greg Klesk
Jeff Klesk
Christian Kongsore
Tom Kragh
Barb Kuntz (Hestekin)
Doug Lark
Jim Larson
Kelly Lennon
Debby Lillemoe (Dever)
Tim Lindblom
Jeff Link
Moe Llona
Avery Long
Pete Louricas
Katherine Luck
Kathleen MacNaughton
Peter MacTaggart
Doug Madsen
Sheila Maley (Ellison)
Dale Malin
Tim Manoles
Deb Mark (Erck)
Jose Martinez Cano
Carol Matzke (Peterson)
Cathy McDaniels
Lisa McDougal
Nora McGlynn
John McLeod
Mary Ellen McNamee (Schrauth)
Sue Means (Benham)
Kurt Melander
Linda Meyer
Scott Micek
Laurie Miller
Clark Mobarry
Pamela Modeen (Walker)
Kimberly Moe
Mark Moe
Julie Monaghan
Mary Moreto
Alesia Nallick (DeSisto)
Meret Nash
John Natole
Becky Nelson (Asproth)
David Nelson
Jim Nelson
Ann Neumann
Thang Nguyen
Erik Norbut
Paul Oberg
Richard Oerter
John Olson
Leslee Owens (Vance)
Marion Peterka
Anne Peterson (McDermott)
Eric Peterson
Kathy Petry (Sapien)
Mark Phillips
Tim Pierce
Pat Pol
Lindsey Pollitt
Joseph Pouliot
Charles Powell
Katie Quinn
Marit Rasmusson (Cassell)
Joel Rebholz
Linda Recht (Ebeling)
Sheldon Reed
Lawrence Rice
Julee Richards
Scott Riddell
Bob Rine
Michael Rison
Christopher Roberts
Sandy Roberts (Kriley)
Mark Robertson
RaeLynn Robertson (Brown)
Shelly Robinson
Laura Robison
Linda Robison
Wes "Chris" Rodgers
Kathy Rogers (O'Donnell)
Diane Royce (Rieke)
Mark Rudin
Shelle Russell (Gustafson)
Jc Rutherford
Alex Ruzicka
Connie Ryan (White)
Wendy Ryan (Thang)
Nancy Sass (Richards)
Guy Schmaedeke
Steven Schmiel
Deborah Schoen
Rosemary Schultz (Schack)
Mary Sciamanda (Mitchell)
Tad Serbin
Sharon Sestak (Brings)
Jeff Sherman
Margaret Sias (Johnson)
Craig Silver
Michael Silvestrini
Matthew Simpson
Sara Sinclair
Maggie Sladky
Tom Slettebo
Susan Sorum (Hamilton)
Ken Spelman
Mark Stenoien
Lorna Stoecker (Bailes)
Liz Storm (Milligan)
Don Stover
Jack Sullivan
Mark Sur
Kari Thernell
Ann Thomann
Tho Tran
Jim Tucker
Donna Turner
Alicia Ultan
Jacqueline Ultan
Barbara VanSomeren (Veldkamp)
Jay Verdoorn
Jim Volker
Kay Warfield
Susan Watters
Maribeth Weber (Marchi)
Michael Weber
Annemarie Webster (Yohnk)
Kurt Weegmann
Joan Weekley (Kruse)
Mark Whittemore
Kirk Williams
Michael Williams
Cheri Wilson (Carlson)
Earl Windahl
Heidi Witthoft
Jim Wright
Kim Wurst (Gits)
Jill Yackel